EAFES, Niigata

The Second Scientific Congress of East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies will be held in conjunction with the 53rd Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ).

EAFES Symposia Saturday 27, March 9:30-12:00 Room A
ES11 Model oriented ecotone dynamics in landscapes
Organizers: Sun-Kee Hong (Kookmin Univ. Korea), Mahito Kamada (Tokushima Univ., Japan) & Xiuzhen Li (CAS, China)

Ecotone has important functions in ecological process, such as habitat, barrier or corridor for materials and animals. And thus conserving and improving ecotone function is essential for keeping ecological quality of landscape as a whole. Synthesizing scientific knowledge and actual practice for conservation and restoration is really meaningful. Several aspects will be necessary to promote ecotone improvement; model oriented method to predict species distribution for knowing potential habitat of wildlife, methods to estimate movement of material and wildlife in ecotone, methods to evaluate functions for planning, and methods in practical works to progress restoration including public involvement, etc. In the symposium, we focus on landscapes in urban-rural gradient and watershed systems and discuss method for mapping potential habitat, evaluation of functions and prediction of its change, and application of scientific knowledge to practical works.

Sun-Kee Hong (Kookmin Univ. Korea), Mahito Kamada (Tokushima Univ., Japan) & Xiuzhen Li (CAS, China):
■Prediction of potential habitat
E. Harada (Tokushima Univ., Japan), M. Ogawa (Tokushima Pref. Museum, Japan), M. Kamada (Tokushima Univ., Japan) & M. Mitsuhashi (Museum Nature and Human Activities, Japan)
Mapping potential habitats of rare hygrophyte species for conservation planning in rural regions.
H. Matsuno (Museum Nature and Human Activities, Japan), M. Ueta (Japan Bird Research Association, Japan) & H. Mitsuhashi (Museum Nature and Human Activities, Japan)
Importance of the grassland habitats along river ecosystems; viability of Skylarks Alauda arvensis occurrence
■Functional approach
S.-K. Hong (Kookmin Univ. Korea) & S. Watanabe (Hiroshima Univ., Japan)
Landscape ecological analysis of man-dominated coastal area in western Korea
Z. Xiong (Hiroshima Univ. Japan) & X. Li (CAS, Shenyang)
Aboveground carbon storage of main forest area in Northeast china.
H. Kang and S-H. Lee (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
Spatial heterogeneity of microbial community structure and activities in boundary ecosystems
■Restoration in practice
H. Yamada (Hokkaido Univ., Japan), T. Nakamura (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture, Japan), T. Yazaki (Hokkaido Univ., Japan), Y. Nakagawa (Hokkaido Univ., Japan), & F. Nakamura (Hokkaido Univ., Japan)
Ecosystem restoration at multiple scales in Kushiro Mire - Analysis of present status and practice.
E.-S. Kim (Kookmin Univ, Korea)
Integrated restoration strategy in arid zone of Inner Mongolia, Northwest China.
K. Ito (Kyushu Inst. Tech., Japan)
A school biotope planning as an irony in the city.
■General discussion and remarks
Mahito Kamada, Sun-Kee Hong and Xiuzhen Li